Monday, November 07, 2005
It's the Bias that Beats me
Thursday, October 20, 2005
From 36,000 Feet
It’s about 6:15pm, Texas time, and I’m at 36000 ft. This trip almost became routine. No nervousness on the way to the airport, no worries about how much my bag weighed, not a second thought about which seat I was assigned on the plane. Like I said, routine…until now. This flight is a little bumpy, not enough to be disconcerting, just enough to keep me from sleeping, and it’s apparent that the turbulent atmosphere was for a reason. Were I sleeping right now I would miss an absolutely amazing view. Here I am, 23 years old, chasing the sun as it sets, fighting the night at hundreds of miles an hour. Almost routine. Moments like this make me appreciate the many, many blessings that I’ve been granted with little or no return on that investment. Granted, it’s not that uncommon for a person my age to be employed, and not all that unusual that they might travel frequently, but I’m not any “person”. No degree, no trust fund, no attention span, and no problems with that. Despite what the school counselor told us…you can attain a good job with no degree (though common sense and genius helps). Despite what pop-culture says you can lead a great and meaningful life without a 7000 square foot home and deep pockets. Contrary to the theory of my high school humanities teacher, I can manage to be quiet and listen long enough to get the point (Ritalin be damned). Sort of makes me feel guilty for wishing at times that I did have a degree, a trust fund, and some semblance of an attention span. It is my firm belief that things happen for a reason. Sure, we question them, and for good reason I suppose (we are “intelligent” we can’t help but over-analyze everything), but then it all comes together. If I had a degree, a trust fund, and an attention span I’d be flat out dangerous. I’ll be the first to admit it. I’m thinking something along the lines of “youngest President in
A little side note...I didn't actually post this while I was on the plane, but it was written up there.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Insert Willie Nelson lyric here "....."
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Greatest Answer Ever?
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Not as windy as advertised...
A) Beef
B) Onions
C) That's it.
That's right. No bell peppers, no jalapenos, no seasoning, AND NO TORTILLAS. That's a pretty integral part of the fajita plate. Without tortillas it's just meat. It'd be like ordering tacos and getting ground beef on a plate, or ordering a hot dog and only getting the wiener...IT JUST DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. My mind was blown. Surely this lack of tortillas was a mistake. I ask the waitress "Ma'am, could you bring me the tortillas?" She looked at me like a confused puppy. "tortillas?" She asked. "You know, round, flat, flour tortillas...You put the meat in them." My plea fell on deaf and dumb ears. I may as well have asked for turd pie. She had no clue. So, mexican food up north rule...Reinforced.
The Texan drawl thing gets me into more trouble than anything. I consult with people from all walks of life. From the board room to the mechanic, all with differing opinions on my dialect. The people from the board room think I'm a moron, and the mechanics think I want to fight. I am, and I want neither. I've tried to acclimate my accent depending on the region I'm in, but I gave up. I just couldn't force myself to say "Wisscaaansin". I try to limit my Texan sayings though, like "fixin-to". It's a freakin verb in my part of the country, everyone says it. Heck, the English teachers make us conjugate it. Example "We're fixin-to go to the store". It just fits. What do you want me to say "We're getting ready to go to the store"? I think not. It was also pointed out to me that I say "Awright" instead of "All Right". Little things like that make me happy to come back home. Why can't they send me to Alabama, or Georgia, or Tennessee. I have all of my teeth, a high school diploma, and a family tree that has more than two branches, I'd be freakin royalty. But nay, they send me up north to be put to sleep by the food, and persecuted for my sexy Texan accent. Go figure.
Right Wing Weather Machine?
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
A Literary Genius is Born
by Coleman and Annie
Rene Robert Cavalier LaSalle was murdered allegedly by the members of his crew yesterday. LaSalle, the leader of the expedition to the "new world" was supposedly very difficult to get along with and his journey to the "new world" was failing. LaSalle was killed in the "new world" and the expedition will not continue to try and conquer the "new world" for France. The members of the expedition will return home in a few months. Our respects to LaSalle's family.
by Kimmy
Rumor has it LaSalle's wife Sasha set up the murder of Sir LaSalle, her husband of 15 years. Supposedly she secretly called a silent murderer. He told her exactly what he would do. Right away she hired him for 500 francs. Which is an extraordinary price at these times. His wife did not shed a tear at the funeral because she felt fortunate that he died. I also heard she was having an affair with a servent named Fabio. Fabio told her to kill her husband, so she had him killed. Now they are getting married and will live happily ever after.
by Sheena
In my opinion, LaSalle's murder wsa brought upon by himsef [sic]. His actions, attitude, and personality led him to become an enemy towards others. The personality led him to become an enemy towards others. The personality of LaSalle made him very inable to get along with. In his young childhood LaSalle had a great spiritual religion, but soon that all ended. Though LaSalle was couragous and heroic many members of his crew found him abrupt and demanding. Therefore, they killed him.
by Coleman
Died of blow to head by wife. Funeral tomorrow 8:00 at Monkey Funeral home.
Robert Rene Cavalier LaSalle
Died of the following- Arrows, knife, severe blows to melon and broken bones.
Madame Monkey de Spank
Died of natural causes.
by Coleman
Football: Last night, the Cowboys went against the Chiefs in a grueling battle. The game was full action! It was by far the best game of all season! There was also a variety of penalties among the worst was in the 4th quarter, Joe Monktana speared Emmit Spank. The final score was 7-9 and the Cowboys take the win.
Baseball: Strike
Water Polo: Creek Dried Up
Ice Hockey: No ice yet
Basketball: No air for ball.
Boxing: Mike Monkey vs. Evender Spank. The fight was delayed by stampeding herd of bull.
Fishing: Delayed by lack of worms.
by Everyone
Subscribe to the Monkey Spank Gazette for only 50 francs for the rest of your life! Yell now! 1-800-SPANK-5
Tired of your kids? Good. Well we have the think for you! Genuine corn cob monkey. Yell now and get a free monkey spank!
Hurry! Hurry! The Spare Parts Store is having a sale! Arms 5 francs! Come on in and browse! 1519 Dirt Walk
Hakeems Wonders, Thingamabobs! If you want a thingamabob well we've got em'. All at a rebate price! Come now! Hakeem Blvd.
Scrolls by Bob is having a clearance sale! All scrolls 50% off.
Wanted: One good hearted woman to forgive imperfection to the man that she loves. By Alan Jackson. Yell Now.
by Annie
Though Rene Robert Cavalier LaSalle was murdered by the members of his own expedition, the results of his journey were very beneficial towards France. Many people gossip about LaSalles journey, saing that it did absolutely nothing for France, when in fact, it did alot.
First of all, the French have already made plans to trade with the Indians LaSalle met along the way. Though there has been much controversy, we French now have claim on this "new world" also. Lastly, Lasalles exploits have forced the spanish to change the French policy towards France. As you can see, on this day of mourning, the flags will fly at half mast, the people of France will walk the streets in black, and dark curtains will be drawn in all windows, because LaSalle, one of the greatest Frenchmen ever to live, has died.
Well. Did you spot the faux pas? Sadly, this made it out into the student population before the slip up was noticed. It scarred a whole generation of newspaper readers (could be responsible for the amazing success of web based news're welcome). Keep in mind, these were the days before cable ran rampant through rural America. I (we) honestly didn't know what that phrase meant. I can look back now and realize why the school administration frowned on having this particular publication circulated throughout the entire Junior High School. Hey, live and learn. Hope you enjoyed this little piece, don't look for any follow ups. Too much innuendo, too many mispelled words, not to mention the terrible grammar, misplaced words, plot holes, and a major lack of tact. My writing has been refined. To my compatriots who wrote this piece with me, but dodged any recoil from this piece...thanks. To Mrs. Martin: Sorry, if I only knew then what I know now....
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
That sounded a little gay, so a little note about the above note. She wants me to get married and produce a small army of grandchildren, no matter the cost (or wife). Apparently, I'm too "picky". Ok, still sounds a little gay, but it's been explained, so drop it.

So I noticed that I hadn't posted any pictures in, oh, eight or nine months. I'm going to try to post a few more pictures on here (no, not all of them will be of me, so quit complaining). Here's my first installment, a deeply touching picture of my lab Moose and myself. Who needs a wife when you have companionship like this?
Monday, August 01, 2005
Sometimes "Representation" isn't all that great either...
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
After much thought and soul searching....
Mr. T
The Unibomber
Little Richard
Saddam Hussein
Rosie O'Donnell
Darth Vader
Hilary Clinton
Their first day of the job is a busy one. They outlaw cars with four wheels, make air travel illegal (think that was Mr. T's doing), change the legal drinking age to 8, outlaw heterosexual marriage, ban antibiotics, and determine that we've all been interpreting the 2nd ammendment all wrong. They decided that instead of "the right to keep and bear arms" the actual meaning is "the right to keep bear arms." Upon this decision they order a mass bear killing to support their "Guns for Bear arms" trades, happening all over the country.
Now, these changes are to take effect immediately. How many of you would actually follow through with them? Hang on, let me re-phrase that. How many of you, being of sound mind, would actually follow through with them? Uh-huh, thought so, not a single one. My point is this, what is one man, sitting on a bench, going to do to us. Now before I get tons (two) of emails telling me "Well what about Roe v Wade?" or "What about the new eminent domain thingy?" I say this. If you decide to kill a baby, you won't be answering to the supreme court. And I live in a fairly remote area, the government wouldn't have any use for my land, so I don't care. What I do care about is the amount of resources our government is gearing up to expend on confirming the new justice. Let me see, we're in the middle of a war, there are diseases that haven't been cured (got a theory on that one too, watch for it soon), people going hungry (I'm not talking about bums here, those lazy slobs can work for food), and what amounts to an invasion of illegal immigrants. Where does questioning a squeaky clean lawyer rank on that list? I understand that politics involves quite a bit of pandering, wheel spinning, and ultimately, but really, I'm completely worn out by it. We need my 10th grade english teacher in DC. Anytime our congressmen/women start the tomfoolery, she'll come by and verbally assail them until they either go insane or get back to work, both work for me. Ok, I'm out.
Peace...through superior firepower.
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Finally, a state that won't make fun of my accent.
Friday, June 03, 2005
"American" Civil Liberties Union?
"I am for socialism, disarmament, and ultimately, for abolishing the state itself as an instrument of violence and compulsion. I seek social ownership of property, the abolition of the properties class, and sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal. It all sums up into one single purpose -- the abolition of dog-eat-dog under which we live. I don't regret being part of the communist tactic. I knew what I was doing. I was not an innocent liberal. I wanted what the communists wanted and I traveled the United Front road to get it."
Hmmm. Could just be me, but that doesn't sound too American, does it? Sounds like something a raving pinko commie would say. Personally, I'm not a big fan of communism. Something about the state owning everything and the individual owning nothing just doesn't appeal to me. We have places for people who like that lifestyle, they're called prisons. No lie. Commit a felony if you don't' believe me. They'll put you up in a state owned room, serve you state owned meals, and allow you to use the state owned toilets. Communism at its finest. But I digress. We've established that the ACLU was founded by communists. Now let's take a look at their latest crusade; Abu Gharib prison. Of course, this is the prison where the "abuse" by some of our military servicemen/women occurred. Evidently having the U.S. military dragged through the mud by the media over, and over, and over again just won't cut it for the ACLU. They're filing lawsuits forcing the release of other pictures and documents from Abu Gharib. My question to them is, what's the point? The people responsible have been brought out into the open. Most have been punished. Let it rest, let it go. If that's all you can find to complain about get a life. After all, this "abuse" amounted to the same sort of thing that happens during every fraternity rush at every university in America. Someone was naked and made fun of. Someone had to dress like a woman. Someone had to wear a leash. I'm not a big fan of wearing a leash myself, but some people pay good money for it. It's also important to keep in mind that these people were responsible for killing our people and our allies. Evidently wearing a nice little purple number is far, far worse than someone being beheaded. I'll break the ACLU's thinking down a little further for you:
Killing people < Liberating millions
Beheading contractors < Pointing at a naked prisoner
Odd. Common sense tells me that this should be exactly opposite. Which leads me to believe that either:
A. The ACLU has no common sense.
B. The ACLU, being a communist organization, is out to whine until it gets it's way.
C. The ACLU cares more for our enemies than it does for us.
D. The ACLU stole my old Metallica Black album.
E. All of the above (except D, I don't think commies listen to Metallica).
Ok, think that's all for today. Enjoy the weekend, and don't go pointing at any naked prisoners (Trav...this means you).
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
"..And now, give a big Senate Floor welcome to Metallica"
It seems like there's an ever increasing number of musicians and actors/actresses that are trying to put in their two cents on the political scene. My question is this: Why do they think they're qualified to speak out on anything other than music/acting? I don't go to a plumber to get financial advice, and conversely, I don't ask a financial advisor how to unclog a sink. It just wouldn't make sense. Everyone knows that the ego's in Hollywood are, well, slightly inflated. I think that's where this whole trend started. Someone got a little big for their britches. While sitting in their 25,000 square foot mansion they decided that America needed to know how they felt. Why wouldn't we? We're paying them millions to pretend, logically we desperately need to know who they're going to vote for. Right? Wrong. I don't know any Rock and Roll hall of famers, or anyone who's made a multi-million dollar film personally, but judging by the media there are some pretty immoral, irresponsible people in the entertainment industry. Drug abuse, alcohol abuse, 15 minute marriages, and a varitable cornucopia of other run-ins with the law seem to be the norm. Granted, they are American citizens, and they do have the right to voice their opinions, and vote for whomever they please (unless they've commited a voting for them), what really stews my bean is why anyone would actually listen to them. Why people? What makes us think that they know anything more than we do? Maybe in between films and concerts they're studying political science? No, maybe they've got a direct line into Washinton, they're privvy to classified information that we don't have? No, maybe they're just a load of pompous windbags that think we'll listen to them because we "love" them. Bingo. Sadly enough plenty of people do listen to them. People my age have grown up watching hours and hours of TV, it's become the loud Uncle. You know what I'm talking about. The one uncle that's always telling dirty jokes, always teaching you a new bad word, always fooling you into pulling his finger. We've gotten to the point that if we see it on TV, it's gospel. It has to be true. Thus anyone that's been on TV has to be trustworthy. Hopefully we'll see a paradigm shift in the near future. The youth (and some of our elders) will start listening to people who actually know politics. But that's a slippery slope too. Define 'know politics'. But that's another story. Moral of this story, don't be an idiot...and if you can't help but be an idiot, don't talk, and for heavens sake don't vote.
Saturday, May 28, 2005
Devious Interference
Whilst walking through one of these stores (full of 'home decor', rustic type things, manly things I assure you) I was drawn to something. I couldn't explain it. It was a clock, it had a fish on it. At that moment I knew I must own it. The sign outside said 25% off everything, so I'm thinking I can get this thing for about ten bucks, it was huge, so logically it exceeded my $4.00 clock price maximum. I look for a price tag to no avail. So I asked the shopkeep. She informs me that it's ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS. It's a clock. It does nothing but tell time. There is no way on God's green Earth that I would pay that for something that has a single, albeit important, purpose. I walk away, sure that I'm the only intelligent person in the shop. The only person smart enough to not give into this madness. Across the room I see two guys whipping out credit cards. I was completely confused. These were men...buying lamps? Ugly lamps at that, they had some frilly bead things hanging off of them. Then I noticed one had a purse (I know there's another name for it, european handbag or something, but really, lets call a spade a spade). It hit me. These two guys weren't near as straight as I am, in fact, they may not be straight at all. For some reason my patented Gaydar hadn't registered a thing. I stood motionless, frightened at the prospect of a life without Gaydar. I noticed a soft music playing in the background, it was John Mayer. That was it...the store was running Gaydar interference. It was devious. It clouded the mind. I knew something was wrong the moment I walked in. Something in the back of my mind said "Oooh, 25% off" and "Look at that tea cozy". Thoughts that had never graced my mind. This store wasn't satisfied catering to only women and gay men, they were drawing in the straight men as well. Like I said, devious. I knew I had to get out of there, my straightness could only withstand so much John Mayer and scented candles. But...just....can't...leave...need NO. There's nothing here for me. Nothing. Or was there? I couldn't be sure. Nothing made sense. Up was down, north was south, John Mayer wasn't as gay as I once thought, was he?
The story doesn't end there, I wish it had. Good news is that I made it out alive, and still batting for team Hetero. Bad news is that I walked out of there with a $200.00 set of Moose antlers. Before you judge, take this into consideration: someone had to kill that moose to get those antlers, and thats just manly enough to not be gay.
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Breaking Scientific News
Lets say that the average human male lifespan is, oh, 77 years. According to my theory those 77 years would actually feel more like 38.5. Knowing that, my life span should extend to 154 years, double what it should be. The more pressing question is this...if that theory holds true, does it not stand to reason that the 154 years would also seem like less time, thus doubling the life expectancy again? Could this not continue infinitely?
I know what you're thinking..."Sweet fancy Moses! That brilliant, sexy, unbelieveable wordsmith/genius has stumbled upon the fountain of youth!" To that I say...guilty as charged. It just came to me, no degree from Stanford, no apprenticeship with Stephen Hawking, no Atkins Dieting...just sheer and complete genius. I've already performed preliminary testing on male chimpanzee's with LCD televisions...the results are astounding. Not only did they live longer, but they also gained the ability to block out the vocal sound wavelength of the female chimpanzee or "angry noise" as we grew to call it. This split our camp in twain. Half of the scientists stood firm in the belief that the LCD screen itself was the source of the life lengthening; the other half now believes that it is the chimps new found ability to block out "angry noise" that did the trick. Both sides could be right, it's just too early to tell. One thing is certain, the results of this experiment will likely change the lives of every male chimpanzee, and human, forever.
Monday, May 09, 2005
"I'm, like, a total non-conformist...turn on the Mtv"
Monday, May 02, 2005
North Bound
Now, for those of you who know me, you know that I cannot post without stating an opinion about something. The target of my disdain this evening...telemarketers. I know they need a job, probably have families and bills and blah blah blah. But honestly, do I need someone to call me every night to fill me in on the benefits of satellite television? I'm sure it's great. Clear picture, 150 sports channels and all the Home Shopping Network your checkbook can stand, but crap, if I've turned you down fifteen days in a row, what makes you think I'm going to give in now? If I was giving in, I'd have done it thirteen days ago. Whats worse is that they're calling me with a recording now. It's one thing to be mentally assailed by a live human being, you get the tactile pleasure of hanging up on someone, thinking you ruined their evening in the same way they did yours. But a machine, it has no feelings, it just dials the next poor chump. I only hope that those recordings don't record what I'm saying to them. I'm pretty sure if those tapes got out it would ruin my chances at running for Governor of Texas. Along the same lines, I've started accrueing an unusual amount of junk mail. Piles of it. Credit cards, magazines, SATELLITE TV ads, people asking for donations, and the list goes on and on. I have enough credit cards, ask my bank if you don't believe me. I don't subscribe to magazines anymore, because for every fifty pages I pay for, forty-five of them are ads. I wouldn't mind having satellite TV, but if I gave in now I could never look at myself in the mirror again. And I do donate money, every two weeks, lots of it. A large portion of my salary goes to Joe Dontwannajob so that he can buy the good beer and afford a new hood for his '83 Firebird. If all that wasn't enough, I get even more crap in my email. Though these ads are a bit saltier, and a bit insulting. I mean, one male enhancement pill ad I can handle, but sixty a day? Makes me think someones been talking...and I'll find you. I was sure that the worst was over though. These foul temptresses of the advertising world had infiltrated every medium in my life...except one. My cell phone had remained pure, until yesterday. I picked up the phone and SatPro TV service began whispering sweet nothings in my ear. I sat there, nonplussed, and simply said "Ah SatPro recording, we meet again."
Monday, April 11, 2005
The State of Confusion
I drive to DFW airport, board a shoe-box size plane, fly to Des Moines. Upon arrival we go into the "facility" to do some work and meet up with our liaisons. Our contacts are...well...a bit odd. One is curiously quiet, the other is an Uncle Jessie look-a-like (Dukes of Hazzard, not Full House). He's got bib overalls, floppy leather hat, long grey beard, the whole works. We begin our work, and it's blatantly obvious that Uncle Jessie is a bit off. He's throwing an uncomfortable number of winks at me and my co-worker. I shrug it off. Break time rolls around and U.J. (abbreviated) starts showing us pictures of his mud bogging truck. An unmistakably MANLY sport. Horsepower, mud, high decibels, the perfect manly venture. He proceeds to talk about good looking women, yet again, very heterosexual. Break time is over, we get back to work. One of U.J.'s co-workers comes in and tells us to watch ourselves around old U.J., that he's a self proclaimed "Try-sexual". If you don't know what that means, it means he likes girls, guys, cows, Chevrolets, and potted plants. This blows my mind completely. Here we have the un-gayest looking/sounding/acting guy I've ever seen. This begins the oddities. We leave, and I notice that mid-grade gas is ten cents cheaper than whaaaa? Then we see Dakotas, a bizzaro world Hooters. Same food, same atmosphere, ugly waitresses. This opened my eyes to the fact that I hadn't seen one good looking lady the whole time. Not that it would have mattered, no one there talked. They just sat there, staring into space. Better than 75% of them anyway. They all just seemed so beaten down, which isn't odd I suppose, just the sheer number of beaten down individuals threw me. I finally saw a great looking girl in the weirdest of places...inside the greasy, dark, dank facility where I was working. I got a BLT that didn't come with Mayo, was asked whether I wanted hot tea or Iced tea (I'm from TX, that's weird), was asked if I lost a cat at the hotel (three times), had the worst $10.00 hamburger on planet Earth, and heard the F bomb more times in three days than I have in 22 years. Whew. What have I learned? I've learned that Iowa and it's residents are an enigma.....and they have corn. Thank the good Lord above I live in Texas. Do we have rednecks? Yes. Major weather swings? Yes. Trailer parks? Yes. Some of the most scandalous women in the world? Yes. But I wouldn't trade it for anything. Iowa? With luck I'll never have to venture back, my mind can't handle another round with Uncle Jessie.