Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Beauty of Open Source

What are you surfing the web on right now? No, not the brand of PC, not the connection...the browser, what are you using? I'd lay 10-1 odds that you're running Microsoft Internet Explorer. 90% of all PC users run Internet Explorer. Everyone knows it...and hackers certainly know it. IE has been the target of every hacker under the sun. There have been options though; Netscape and Mozilla to name a couple. Now another option has been released...Firefox by Mozilla. It promises to rock the web browsing world. How? Well I'm glad you asked. First off, it's infinitely customizeable (I think that's a word). You can change the theme of your browser as you would a media player, there are multiple skins just waiting for download. You can add multiple extentions (such as the FoxyTunes utility, which allows you to control all of your media players from your browser, no more minimizing and maximizing to change the volume or song). Not to mention the fact that it runs faster than IE or Netscape. These are just a few examples, there are many that I haven't had the opportunity to delve into. So, lets break it hackability, infinite options, and faster speed...any questions? Good. Now, get out your wallet and be prepared to pay the monumental cost of $0.00. Thats right, it's free. All of it. The plug-ins, extentions, themes, all of it. So now you have no excuse, just go and get it. You'll be downloading the bare-bones version of Firefox, but you can add any of the goodies through Firefox's website or by searching the net. Since it's an Open Source program, there will be hundreds and hundreds of new add-ons flooding the web, so if you get bored with it, change it. Just go get it, you know you want to.

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