Thursday, September 22, 2005

Greatest Answer Ever?

Hello all. Thought I might drop in and make a post, as it's Thursday evening and anything worth watching on TV is done. Earlier this week I saw General Honore, the new commanding officer in the New Orleans area, talking to reporters about the upcoming storm. He explained that he was there to talk about the upcoming threat of Hurricane Rita, not what happened two weeks ago. So, what did the news media on the scene ask him about? Hurricane Katrina related topics. What followed was the greatest answer ever given to the media, about the media, for the media. The answer..."I'm not answering that, you're stuck on stupid." I love it. It has so many applications in my day to day life, and there's just no rebuttal to it. You tell someone that they're "stuck on stupid" what can they say? Hopefully it will induce a bit of introspection on their part. "What caused him to say that?" they might ask, then, if they dislodge themselves from their stupor, they'll find the answer. I'm thinking of using it on any question I don't want to answer, not just stupid questions. For example "Do you want paper or plastic?" Take a guess, I've been coming to your register for four years now, and I've chosen paper every time, what do you think?- That would have been the answer, but not anymore. Then there's this little gem "Would you like any salt, pepper or ketchup?" Who doesn't want one or all of those things with a meal? I've ordered french fries, so hell yes I want ketchup. Ok, "you're stuck on stupid" may not be the nicest thing to say to people, and it saddens me to have to use it (or does it), but is it wrong to point out less than intelligent questions? I say no. I say that we've been appeasing and coddling the slow witted for too long. Everyone gets a ribbon at the spelling bee for participation...and why? So little Johnny doesn't feel like a mo-ron. When I was young, and did something stupid, I was politely informed that it was, well, stupid. What did I do? I learned about why it was stupid, then moved on. After years of that, you gain something valuable...Intelligence. Too many times people are rewarded for mediocrity, and that constant praise for the less than meritable softens a person. The real world doesn't care if you almost spelled "Cacophony" right, they don't care if you get to work on time every morning (that's part of the job), they care when real work is done and real breakthroughs are made. That leaves people of my generation dissatisfied with their jobs, they feel that no one appreciates them because no one has given them the 5th place ribbon. So I say to you, use "stuck on stupid" liberally (only time you'll see the world "liberal" here), do your fellow man a favor. I know I will.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Somewhere" was circa 4th grade...and if I recall correctly, you're the person that taught me the word "feminazi". So at some point YOU turned to the dark side! LOL.