Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Uber-Geek Battle Royale

I finally purchased a PS3 last weekend. I won't tell you the pains that it took to get it (it involved eGift certificates and a certain retailers inability to show that the 8 consoles they had in store were actually 'in-stock' on the web). Point is, I got one. 60GB worth of storage, WiFi ready, Bluetooth Controllers, and a BluRay drive capable of producing a 1080p resolution picture. Nice.

It wasn't until I started looking into a new gaming console that I realized the great chasm that had developed between the Microsoft Xbox crowd and the Sony Playstation group. We have a bit of that divide in our office. It all boils down to a sort of "my dad can beat up your dad" mentality. Is one better than the other? Sure, probably. You just can't ask anyone who owns only one. I am not impartial. I just plunked down half a thousand dollars on a PS3, so you think I'm going to tout the greatness of an Xbox 360? Not likely. Personally I don't care for the Xbox. Not because Microsoft makes it, not because its technically inferior, but because I don't like the controller. Plain and simple. Does it do some things better than a PS3, it might, but I won't likely find out.

I've owned so many gaming consoles in my life that it'd be hard to count them. From the Nintendo, to the Super Nintendo, to the Sega Genesis, on to the PS, PS2, and now the PS3. I still have my original Playstation somewhere. It still works. I've had two PS2's, apparently they don't like dog hair in the air filter. I've had great success with the Playstations, they've lasted quite a while, and seem to be pretty up on things. Granted, PS3 hit the starting gate a little late in the game, but I think that may have worked out for the best. They had an opportunity to see what everyone else was offering, then one up them. You want WiFi on an Xbox, got to buy a module. Same thing goes for High Def movie playback.

I guess the bottom line is this: To each his own. You like Xbox, fine. You like PS3, fine. You like the Nintendo Wii, you might be a little gay. You just have to stick with what works for you.

But you'll wish you bought a PS3...chumps.

1 comment:

Bodine82 said...

I'm looking for new content...