Friday, October 09, 2009

Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize

...And in related news the guy that fixed my tire on Saturday won the Nobel Prize for Physics.  If accomplishing absolutely nothing and promising everything is reason enough to get a Nobel Prize, then almost every politician on the planet is eligible for this award.  I understand that they've given this award not because of what he's done, but because of what he might accidentally do at some point in the future.  I've asked my company to go ahead and pay me now for the industry rocking, ground breaking product that I haven't created yet, but might.  I'm still waiting to hear back from them on when to expect the check.

Not much else to say about this really.  I always sort of thought that this was an actual award, not a politicized throw away medal given to the biggest mouthpiece for liberal tripe at the time.  I would have guessed wrong.

This guy may actually out Jimmy Carter the real Jimmy Carter.

1 comment:

Bodine82 said...

Hey went almost an entire year without a post...and this is all we get?