Wednesday, November 03, 2004


Well after a long (and often virulent) election, there is now a clear cut winner. Miraculously there will be no re-counts, no lawsuits, no "riots"...just a beautifully simple answer to the question that has had America on edge for months. During the early hours of the election coverage most of the major media outlet's began showing "Exit Polls" reflecting Kerry as the winner of all the swing states by no less than 5%. However, as the actual votes began to be tabulated the outcome was much different. The race was tight throughout the swing states, but President Bush came out ahead in Ohio, a lynch-pin swing state needed for his re-election. As of right now, Presidential hopeful John Kerry is starting his concession speech. Soon President Bush will make his acceptance speech. In a government who's senate and house are in Republican majority we can all expect to see much cooperation with the President, the benefits of which will be long reaching. A better outcome of this years election could not be imagined. Through the media bias, the negative campaigns, and hours of uncertainty America has it's President...and the victory couldn't be sweeter.

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